Climbing is an act of freedom. It's a way for us to embrace the serenity and rush of life. It's also an act of solidarity. We look after each other. We're inclusive. We're in awe of each others' strength.

For over 100 days, we have witnessed a live stream of Israel's genocide on Gaza. Over 32,000 civilians killed - 12,000 of those being children - and it shows no sign of relenting. Gaza looks, now, "a different colour from space".

If there was ever a time for the humanity and solidarity of the global climbing community to shine, this is it. We must show up.

We are a small group of climbers who cannot stay silent. We are actively anti-fascist and anti-racist. We are disgusted by Israel's purposeful destruction of not only life, but of any means for Palestinians to rebuild life in the future. We are outraged by the persistent silencing of Palestinian narratives, and we push against Israel's stronghold over the Western media.

We also firmly reject the misguided conflation of anti-Zionism with anti-semitism. Our activism comes not out of hatred, but out of a deep love for humanity. We believe, intensely, that all groups have the right to exist without persecution.

We know a lot of climbers must be feeling the way we do. Who are also disappointed at the seemingly deliberate silence of many brands and high profile climbers under the guise of things being "complicated". They are not representative of us as a whole. "Climbers for Palestine" is intended as a space to anchor your solidarity, and make it visible to each other and the Palestinian people.

We unite to amplify the voices of Palestinians everywhere, including Palestinian climbers. We recognise that there is a vibrant community of climbers in the West Bank, for whom climbing is a form of resistance against and escapism from the Occupation. We stand with them.

Of course, we are not only climbers - we are friends, partners, siblings, parents, children - and our lives are full of non-climbing-related daily routines. That's where our empathy stretches into every corner of the Palestinian experience. We simply cannot carry on with business as usual while Palestinians are stripped of enjoying the same humdrum of life. They deserve to be ordinary; to get up and go to work, to come home and watch TV. They deserve to be bored, to be excited. They deserve to be free. Most of all, they deserve to live.